
Hi everyone😊!! Mr.Kirbs is back oh yeah Chikabuche!!😂. I'm here to post another blog again bwahahaha.... maytag maganahan mo😊😊 Last week our teacher tell us to make another blog about the comparison and contrast about the types of media!! okay!! i'll do my best to compare and contrast them😂😂.... for me, i think media is important in the world because without media we can't update latest news in our society. there are 3 types of media. the print media, motion picture and broadcast media. print media is the oldest and basic forms communication it includes, newspaper, weeklies and magazines. motion picture also called film or movie, series of still photographs on film. broadcast media covers a wide spectrum of different communication methods such as television, radio and newspaper. that is there comparison. the difference about broadcast and print media is their development. the print media developed  from a process already in place for centuries, namely the manual t...

The Media

Image Hi guys!!! 😊😊 There is something i would like to tell you. kabalo mo unsa ng media?? ang media kay kuan na sha kanang naa sa mga cellphone like youtube, facebook, twitter bisag unsa pa dihaa basta kay media. unya nakagamit namo ani nuh?? kita man cguro tanan nakagamit na ani. para nako, kaning media gamit kay ni sa atoa especially pagcommunicate sa atong mga loved ones nga layo sa atoa pero maka abused lng ni panagsa kung ma sobrahan na natog gamit. pareha nako bisag daghan kaayo himuonon di na nako mahimo kay tungod aning mga media kay makatental man gud ning mga butanga. ako advise ninyo nuh minus-minusi na ninyog gamit ug media kay makadaot na nya kalas kay ug kwarta😂😂.. #Reflection